The Kid Who Met His Fears

Today I am going to let you read a part of mine and Caitlyn's story, the story is about a 13- year- old boy who loves Halloween, but on this Halloween, he faces his fears... Here it is:

“Wake up,” called Alex’s mom, “You’re gonna be late for school,” she said, as she picked up some toys from the floor of Alex’s room.
“Yeah! Tomorrow's Halloween!” Alex said excitedly, as he jumped off his bed.
As Alex rushed out off his room before he got to the stairs he heard a weird sound like something or someone fell in the attic, It’s just my imagination, thought Alex.
When Alex went down to eat breakfast his mother had already left the house before he got out the door he heard the same weird sound in the attic, Alex wanted to go check the attic but he was already late for school, so he left the house. He got to the bus and started talking to his friends about what he heard in the attic.
“Well, what do you think it is?” Asked Cregg.
“I don’t know. You guys should come over after school and check it out with me.”
“That sounds awesome!” Yelled Cregg
“Umm, sorry I can’t go I uhh, I have to… Umm… Oh yeah! I have to go to my grandma’s after school!” said Maddalynn.
“Wimp! I’m in!” Yelled Mark.
“I’m not a wimp!” whined Maddalynn. “Ok, fine I’ll go!”

If you think I could add more to this story or fix anything tell me in the comments.


  1. That is a good story! I think you should add more.

  2. Yes, I think you should continue adding!


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